Monday, September 26, 2011

Are You Ready to Dance?

The authors of the Whiz Kidz Adventure Book Series will be at the Oak Hill Elementary Fall Festival on October 7th from 5:30pm-8:00pm. There will be activities, games, raffles, face painting, and best of all, a dancing contest. There will also be books and activity booklets for sale.  So, don't forget your dancing shoes and remember dancing is about......................................... Feeling the rhythm.  See you there!!!

Superintendent Support for the Whiz Kidz

Upon receiving news of the Whiz Kidz Adventure Book Series, the superintendent of Newton County, Dr. Gary Mathews, came to Oak Hill Elementary to congratulate the authors.  Dr. Mathews was very interested in knowing the origination of the Whiz Kidz, and the overall purpose of the series.  He gave words of encouragement, and was extremely excited to receive his autographed copy of Devour the Dancing Blues.  He was very hopeful to try to get a copy of  Devour the Dancing Blues in all of the elementary schools in Newton County.  It is good to work for a county that embraces your endeavors and dreams.
Nicole Benton, Peter Card, Bettina Martin, Dr. Gary Mathews,  Juanita Stephens, Andrea Dowdy

Peter Card, Bettna Martin, Dr. Gary Mathews, Andrea Dowdy, Nicole Benton